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Download the 2001 Synthesis Report. You're welcome to print and to distribute copies, but we ask that you give due credit where appropriate. The links below are organized to mirror sections in the report. |
This page is a supplement to the report. Vendors
listed below are those cited in the publication. Other vendors are listed under Resources-Vendors.
We are particularly grateful to the following individuals for their generous contributions of content and illustrative materials, and sensitivity to our timelines:
Jim Altenstadter, Pima Association of Governments
Ron Birk, Intermap Technologies
Gil Boettcher, Roadware
Gay Hamilton Smith, HSA Consulting Group Inc
Jack Hill, Houston Advanced Research Center
John Jensen, University of South Carolina
Ted Jones, District 3, Florida DOT
John Simmers, Virginia DOT
Environment | www.rstc.msstate.edu/NCRSTE/ | Roger King | rking@ece.msstate.edu |
Infrastructure | www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/ncrst | Michael F Goodchild | good@ncgia.ucsb.edu |
Flow | www.ncrst.org/research/ncrst-f.html | Joel L Morrison | morrison@cfm.Ohio-State.edu |
Hazards | www.trans-dash.org | Stan Morain | smorain@spock.unm.edu |
Technology Service Corporation | Steve Jaroszewski, sjaroszewski@tsc.com |
Bridgewater State College | Lawrence Harman, lharman@bridgew.edu |
Veridian ERIM International Inc | Chris Chiesa, chiesa@erim-int.com |
ICF Consulting | Gary Erenrich, gerenrich@icfconsulting.com |
EarthData International | Karen Schuckman, kschuckman@earthdata.com |
Tetra Tech/ASL | William Lyte, blyte@aslce.com |
Orbital Imaging Corporation | Terry Lehman, Lehman.Terry@orbimage.com |
AERIS Inc | Robert Davis, aerisrwd@aol.com |
EarthWatch Inc | Stella Todd, stodd@digitalglobe.com |